Robin Gibb

A new Gibb arrival

Robin-John (R-J) and Megan are overjoyed and extremely proud to announce a new addition to the Gibb family – on Sunday 7th June 2015, Megan gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy: Theodore-Alexander Hugh Gibb.

‘Theo’ is R-J’s and Megan’s second child together and the second grandchild of R-J’s late father: Robin Hugh Gibb CBE. R-J’s mother and Robin’s widow Dwina Gibb, and Megan’s parents Eugene and Grace Golub, are delighted with the safe arrival of their latest grandson.

Dwina – “Even though it is a joyful occasion, it is sad that Robin is not here with me to share in the happiness of seeing our grandchildren flourish and grow. I am glad they will have the music.”

R-J – “I know that my father would have been a wonderful grandparent because he was such a loving, attentive and inspirational father. We miss him terribly and it is sad to know that had he lived just a little longer, he would have met his two grandsons: Maxwell and Theodore. Although they will never meet him, it is great that they will always hear his voice.”