Welcome back to RobinGibb.com. It has been over two years since Robin passed away, and it was appropriate for the website to go dark for a period of time. It is now time to re-launch the website to coincide with a wonderful new solo album from Robin, 50. St Catherine’s Drive. I am thankful to all of Robin’s fans who were loyal to him throughout his life, and who I hope will continue to follow and support the activities and releases by Robin going forward. The website has been redesigned as an information based site, rather than an interactive forum. I will keep it updated as frequently as possible, and I hope you are as happy as I am that the website is active again.
Robin was a poet, a songwriter, a composer, a bard and a wonderful human being who serenaded the world with his unique voice. I feel as if I have had the most fortunate romantic life possible, living in the presence of genius and listening to the creation of beautiful songs that both he and his brothers produced that are the soundtracks of millions of lives over the past decades. Robin, I can only say thank you for the love and inspiration you have bestowed on me and on the world.
Forever, Dwina ***